Review Policies

I do my best to read and review as many books as possible.  Still, I have a very demanding day job so here are some guidelines to how I manage this blog.

Cold requests (from me):  If I requested the book, I will read and review it.  I only request books that I am truly interested in.  I do my utmost to post my reviews within 7 days (either side) of the release date.  To meet this "deadline", I must receive the book at least 3 weeks prior to its release.  (This of course doesn't apply to backlists.)  If for some unforeseen reason I am unable to review it, I will let the assigned publicist know.

Unsolicited books: I will consider reading and reviewing these, if interested.  They will likely be "second-tier" to other books I have committed to already.  

Pitches: Feel free to e-mail me about forthcoming books.  I answer as many as I can and will certainly be in touch if I am interested.

Formats:  I am happy to read ARCs or other early drafts as well as final versions.  New releases, backlists and classics are all acceptable.  Sorry, I do not listen to audiobooks in any format, nor do I own or use any sort of e-book reader.

When finished with a book, I do not sell it.  I may use in a giveaway, forward to a fellow reader, or donate to a school or library.  Please alert me to any restrictions when sending a review copy.

Genres: I do my best to be open-minded, but there are just so many books to be read!  

Genres I prefer reading and reviewing are:

(auto)biography, literary fiction, classic literature, mystery, crime, travel, history, short stories, movie tie-ins

Genres I will not read and review:

romance, horror, young adult, self-help, politics, health, marketing, business, technology, chick-lit, fantasy

So I read the book... now what?

I will post a review on this blog.  It will include a cover image as well as other images that I find applicable.  My review will consist of very little summary, and focus instead on the themes, ideas and style of the book.  My post always includes the book's information (size, page count, ISBN) as well as links to author websites (if applicable).  

My ultimate goal with any review is to give MY readers information so THEY can decide if they might like it.   I will point out strengths and weaknesses, and I will be honest.  I encourage comments.  I do not, however, trash any author.  Again, I am only trying to get the word out about books, reading and the literary world.

Once the post is live, I will begin promoting it.  I post it to my Tumblr, my personal Facebook and I am on Twitter @cineastesview.  I am on Goodreads and also link back to my reviews.  I also always send a direct link to the publicist assigned to the title.  In return, I hope that the publicist quotes my review on their site, the author's site, or other outlet; or posts a link to my review via Twitter. 

Occasionally my freelance work appears in publications such as Connect Savannah, The Savannah Magazine & The South Magazine.  You can view my work here


I am happy to host giveaways.  I prefer to collect the winner's information, then forward that to the publicist and thus cut out the "middleman."  

I am enjoy posting author interviews as well.  

Let the reading begin!